Hurricane season is upon us with Fiona claiming Puerto Rico as the first victim. Meteorologists are busier than ever tracking storms in order to calculate landfalls. The Climate Prediction Center forecasts above-average hurricane activity this year. Predicting nature, however, is an inexact science, so the analysts use something…..
Bonus Family
I had the pleasure and privilege of visiting with our ‘bonus family’ this week. My husband discovered a half-sister on 23andme several years ago. Not many people are eager to meet new half siblings, nor do they necessarily want to learn the circumstances behind their birth. We don’t know any details and, since…..
Wall of Shame
The end of the summer season is bittersweet as residents begin closing up their cottages to return to ‘real’ life. Aside from thecooler weather, the surest way to know the end of summer is near is when the wall of shame goes up at the beach gate. It’s a list of names with accounts due. Let me explain. At the entrance to our…..
The ICK List
The generation of greats on my husband’s side are now teenagers. During their visit this summer they kept me entertained with tales from camp and filled me in on the youth social scene. A lot has changed since my teens, making those formative years even more challenging. Even so, there are some rites…..
Time to Play
Divine Band-Aids
Beach Ready
Prior to leaving Connecticut for the summer, I usually go through a maintenance program of getting a fresh haircut/color, brows waxed, and toes manicured in an attempt to present myself as beach ready – or as beach ready as a 64-yr-old body can achieve. Those type of treatments may help spruce up my outward appearance, but the best beauty…..
Independence Day
The Fourth of July is more than parties, parades and fireworks. Choosing to declare independence from Great Britain marked the birth of a great nation. Choosing personal freedom, on the other hand, won’t give rise to a new nation per se, but will most definitely be the first step towards a new cre-ation. This event may not call for a national holiday, but it’s a decision that will be life-changing and one that will allow you to embrace life…..
Big Lou
My dad is 95 and suffers from dementia. It’s heartbreaking to watch this man who was always larger than life slowly fade away. Yet, there are hints of his former self that still shine through. He hasn’t lost his sense of humor or the infamous twinkle in his eyes. He enjoyed many accomplishments in his life but can’t…..
Peloton Prayers
Peloton may not be considered your run-of-the-mill devotional time, but those thirty minutes have become one for me. My favorite instructor, Cody, definitely wouldn’t fit anyone’s ideal of a spiritual mentor, but I’ve learned some valuable spiritual lessons from the most unexpected people during my journey. When God wants to reach you, He can use anyone. I’ve just learned to replace…..
Thorn in My Side
My trip to Florida this year turned out to be more expensive than I expected, and this isn’t the first time. A few years ago, it cost me over $9,000 for ten stitches to reattach the tip of my finger after I partially sliced it off preparing dinner. It wasn’t the first trip to the ER since purchasing Cutco knives. Actually, my son’s summer job as a Cutco salesmen has…..
Masters Victory
The Race Set Before You
My extended family and I participated in the 11-mile walking segment of the Big Sur Marathon last weekend. The views were spectacular. While we weren’t concerned with setting any records, we finished in a respectable amount of time. In fact, we finished faster than I anticipated. There’s nothing like watching elderly men and women pass you to add…..
He Has Risen!
HE HAS RISEN! Unfortunately, we don’t receive that news from a glowing angel as Mary Magdalene did when she arrived at Jesus’ tomb on the first Easter Sunday (Matthew 28:1-7). I suppose it’s a good thing because I’m sure I’d wet my pants if an angel appeared to me regardless of how many Do Not Be Afraids he uttered. Testimony from an angel about the resurrection…..
Beasts of Burden
Today marks the dawning of Holy Week, the start of Christ’s Passion, beginning with His glorious procession into Jerusalem. Personally, it’s also an acknowledgment of His triumphant entry into my heart. The thing about the Easter story is that until we make it personal, it remains just that – a story. It only…..
Crape Diem!
At first glance, it appears I made a typo in the title; but it’s not. Unless you live under a rock, the ubiquitous carpe diem is a well-known aphorism encouraging us to “enjoy, seize, or make use of our present opportunities.” The more current YOLO (you only live once) is similar in its goal of urging…..
Say What?
Someone sent me this photo from a coffee shop this week. I can’t think of a better way to start the day than with Christ and coffee. Coincidentally, it arrived on Wednesday, which happened to be John 3:16 Day. I’d never heard of March 16th being given that honor. It’s a lovely designation and an excellent reminder, but in reality…..
God of the Underdogs
While watching coverage of the war in Ukraine, I have to keep reminding myself that God is a God of the underdog. He’s also a God of miracles, and Ukraine needs one badly. The startling fact that they have withstood the Russians this long is a miracle unto itself. It’s the story of David and Goliath, but…
Going NoCo
Mardi Gras culminates this Tuesday. Commonly referred to as Fat Tuesday, it’s when some Lenten observers over-indulge in their vice of choice: sweets, carbs, fatty foods and/or alcohol before the Lenten season. Truth be told, I’ve been celebrating Fat January and Fat February as well so Tuesday will just be more of the same. Come Wednesday though….