Beach Ready

by Joanie Butman

Prior to leaving Connecticut for the summer, I usually go through a maintenance program of getting a fresh haircut/color, brows waxed, and toes manicured in an attempt to present myself as beach ready – or as beach ready as a 64-yr-old body can achieve. Those type of treatments may help spruce up my outward appearance, but the best beauty therapy I did this year before departing was to invest in a spiritual tune up at a We Want More retreat.

As I struggle to get into my summer clothes, it’s obvious my winter indulgence of more Kit Kats was definitely not a wise choice. When it comes to spiritual nourishment, however, MORE is always the wise decision! There’s no such thing as over indulging when it comes to a Divine diet.

Arriving at the More House, I was ushered into a room that rivaled any high-end hotel I’ve ever visited. It brought to mind Christ’s words in John 14, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” Then, when I entered the dining room to an elegantly laid out table with a fabulous feast waiting, I immediately thought of the banquet of the Lamb mentioned in Revelation 19:9, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” I did feel blessed indeed.

The theme of the weekend was our identity in Christ. Many of our discussions involved freeing ourselves from the tyranny of doing. I’ve spent a good portion of my life trying to discover my ‘calling,’ which has changed countless times over the years. Now with my kids gone, I’m back at it trying to determine what I should be ‘doing.’ I didn’t have to wait long for my answer. During our first session, I looked to my left and written on the wall during a previous youth retreat was my answer in childlike handwriting and simplicity. It stated, “it is my job to love.”

Coincidentally, I read a devotional this week from a woman of a similar age also questioning her calling as a senior. She concluded, “I’m here, at this stage of life, to bless the next generations.” Now, THAT is a calling no one outgrows, and I can’t think of a better swan song*. There’s no better way to bless the next generation than to love well. This ‘assignment’ plays out in a myriad of ways but none more important than living out your faith in such a way that points to Jesus. There isn’t a better testimony for Christ than a joyful Christian. Why shouldn’t we be joyful? Christ has liberated us from the bonds of sin and shame. That sacrificial gift needs to be celebrated every day.

Even so, there are Christians who find it difficult to “enjoy” their freedom in Christ. Why? Because despite being the recipient of unmerited grace, we often find it difficult to forgive ourselves. Surrender is not a one-time event because self-recrimination tends to rear its ugly head again and again. The only antidote I’ve found is to focus on my identity in Christ, reminding myself that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2).”

Unlike the waif in Oliver Twist who had the audacity to ask for more, God is always eager to serve up as many helpings of His lavish love and mercy as we need. And the More House was an excellent place to connect with my Divine Provider for a fresh infusion of His Spirit in order to live in such a way that blesses others. You can’t be more beach ready than that!

*According to folklore, swans sing most beautifully before they die, and hence this phrase came to be used to describe someone who was leaving in style.