2020 has left a wake of destruction thus far. This week’s hurricane in Louisiana is just the most recent disaster. It’s been an active hurricane season (in more ways than one) with a long way to go before ending. Meteorologists are busier than ever tracking storms…..
Power Outages
My Happy Place
Everyone has a place (or state of mind) where they feel closest to God - a place of peace and contentment. Some arrive there through prayer and meditation, others employ more tangible modes of transportation. In the summer I drive - certainly a more direct route than my feeble efforts at prayer and meditation recently. That's not to say that the four-hour journey…..
The Atlantic Walk
Someone recommended a new path to explore in my area recently, and I was eager to try a new route. When she described the Atlantic Walk, I visualized something like the Cliff Walk in Newport, Rhode Island – a well-worn path walkers of all ages enjoy. What I ‘discovered’ was that she used the word ‘path’ very loosely. The meandering walk along the ocean…..
Love Over Fear
In response to last week’s article, a reader wrote to express her belief that though she supports and encourages wearing masks, she didn’t think they should be mandatory. She brought up an excellent issue - that I left out the crazies who are attacking people sans masks. True, there’s nothing ‘civil’ about that either. She highlighted their behavior as being worse than those refusing to wear…..
Rules of Civility
The debate over wearing masks rages on, and it baffles me what constitutional right the anti-maskers feel is being violated. The freedoms we enjoy in this country came at a high price, and one we should honor with a personal responsibility to behave in a way that doesn’t jeopardize others. The only thing being violated by someone not wearing a mask is the safety of the public at large. Perhaps we should resurrect George Washington’s…..
Religion to Relationship
A “cradle Catholic” is defined as a person who has been raised in the Catholic faith since birth (in contrast to a person who has converted to the faith). It is usually implicit that the person has not lapsed in the faith. My dad is a perfect example. As he often reminds me, he almost became a priest – until he discovered girls. Coming from a devout family, it was easy to sail along adhering to all the obligatory religious requirements without actually…..
In God We Trust
The Fourth of July is more than parties, parades and fireworks. Choosing to declare independence from Great Britain marked the birth of a great nation. Choosing personal freedom, on the other hand, won’t give rise to a new nation per se, but will most definitely be the first step towards a new cre-ation. This event may not call for a national holiday, but…..
Muscle Memory
I’m writing about my dad again this week because that’s who I’ve been spending a lot of time with recently. Funny, that was also the impetus for starting this blog almost ten years ago – journaling about time spent with my Heavenly Father and the myriad ways He shows up in my life. Actually, I’ve spent more…..
In His Eyes
My dad is 94 and suffers from dementia. It’s heartbreaking to watch this man who was always larger than life slowly fade away. Yet, there are hints of his former self that still shine through. He hasn’t lost his sense of humor or the infamous twinkle in his eyes. He may believe he dated Ingrid Bergman or been a famous singer performing for enormous crowds,…..
Upside-Down Kingdom
Going on a Bear Hunt
Early in quarantine my daughter and I decided to explore a nearby community. While driving around we noticed stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes popping up in the strangest of places: hanging from trees, peeking out of mailboxes, windows and flowerpots. It was a little creepy. Not having young children around, we weren’t aware of the Teddy Bear Hunt phenomenon…..
Rat Patrol
My last task before leaving Florida was indicative of my homeschooling experience. It was the unpleasant job of rooting out the source of the rancid odor permeating our home. We knew what it was (definitely the distinctive scent of a decaying animal). We just couldn’t locate the culprit. My husband had been in a battle with some rats executing nightly raids in the garage and set out poison…..
One of my devotions this week shared a conversation similar to many I’ve had recently. In it the author was lamenting that “he didn’t feel like he’d accomplished anything significant during quarantine. He didn’t learn to speak a new language or finish a major project.” His self-reproach is a temptation many fall prey to…..
We Can Be the Light
During pre-dinner grace recently, I was at a loss for words following the standard blessing. Rote prayer seemed grossly inadequate given the corona situation, though we were thankful for the food set before us while so many struggle to feed their families. Even so, now was not the time to go through the lengthy list of prayer requests I’ve been receiving, so I summed them…..
In His Arms
Lord of the Dance
During my hospital stay in February, I met a new friend. Hedda is 98 and probably weighs about the same. She’s a tiny woman full of peace and wisdom. I suppose you don’t live nearly a century without learning a lot about life. She was once a critic given the task of reviewing flamenco dancers in Spain. She…..
As I was dismantling the victory hat I posted last week, I realized there was something intrinsically wrong with it. The Big C was perfect. However, my artwork on those empty toilet paper rolls at the foot of the cross mirrors the way we dress up for Easter, arriving at church looking our best. What Jesus really yearns for is for us to come as we are – warts and all. I saw a church marquis once with the following invitation posted…..
Years ago I wrote that I wanted the Big C in my life to be Christ, not cancer. I made that choice again a few years later in regard to chardonnay. It’s a question we’re all facing at the moment. We are in a defining moment. Easter prompts the question, “Who or what will be the big C in your life – Christ or coronavirus?” Will BC take on a new meaning…..