We Can Be the Light

by Joanie Butman

During pre-dinner grace recently, I was at a loss for words following the standard blessing. Rote prayer seemed grossly inadequate given the corona situation, though we were thankful for the food set before us while so many struggle to feed their families. Even so, now was not the time to go through the lengthy list of prayer requests I’ve been receiving, so I summed them up in a simple yet beseeching LORD, DO SOMETHING! Amen. In regard to prayer, brevity has always been my modus operandi. It certainly wasn’t inspiring, but we did get to eat while the meal was still warm.


Reflecting on that prayer the next morning, a song by Matthew West came to mind that I believe was God’s answer to my (dare I say) demand. Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s made that appeal. In response to West’s petition in his song, Do Something, God replies, "I did. I created you." Those lyrics made me think of Esther when she was asked to plea for the life of her people: “Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this (Esther 4:14)?” In the midst of the pandemic, we are witnessing countless numbers of people who are serving selflessly and courageously. I wonder if they ever consider that maybe they too were created for such a time as this.

One of the most frustrating things about quarantine is the inability to DO SOMETHING. We all want to help and I suppose we are by staying home and practicing diligent sanitizing and social distancing when we have to go out. That’s fine, but it doesn’t seem like enough considering the magnitude of global suffering. We want to help but don’t know how.


Sometimes God asks us to step out of our comfort zone, but other times He’s telling us to stay in our lane. The best thing I can do for all involved at the moment is get out of the way and stay out of the way. It’s my own way of adhering to the Hippocratic Oath’s, “First do no harm.” By sheltering in place, hopefully I avoid adding to an already overburdened healthcare system. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t support and encourage others while there. For most us, it’s all we have to offer.

There is one purpose we all share and that is to shine God’s light into a dark world. Someone is always in crisis. Humanity can always use more of His healing light, love, mercy and kindness. How we choose to do that, however, will be different for everyone. We’ve seen so many people using their unique time, talents and abilities to off hope and help from the confines of their own home. As Frederick Buechner so eloquently states, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

For some, it will be in big ways. For others, it will be in smaller undertakings such as artistry, mask making, food/meal deliveries, checking on seniors, music videos, comic relief, praying or just staying home in an effort to stem the spread. Regardless of our abilities or lack thereof, all of us can do something by simply by choosing to respond with grace to the many challenges facing us, whether it’s just patience with those we are quarantined with or small acts of kindness wherever they are needed. And never underestimate the power of a simple, humble prayer.


Frederick Buechner I’m not. Though certainly not quotable, the Do Something prayer acknowledges that God knows what’s needed, and I do not. My prayers aren’t to dictate what He should do but to remind myself of His goodness, sovereignty and the truth that He is able to do more than I can ask or imagine. God created the world out of darkness. He spoke order into chaos, light into darkness. There is no doubt in my mind He will do it again.

Yes, these may be dark times but as my nephew sings in his song, In the Darkness, “we can be the light.” How are you choosing to be the light?

In the Darkness, The Whiskey Farm