With This Ring

by Joanie Butman


Remember the Divine sussie I mentioned last week? Well, I got a surprise this week, but definiteluy not the kind which would qualify as a sussie – except that it reminded me that Christ’s gift of love and mercy never fails. Its value can’t be quantified or diminished – only appreciated upon redemption. You’re probably wondering what triggered this line of thought on an ordinary summer afternoon. Well, I’ve been in a decluttering phase and decided to sell my engagement ring from my first marriage. I’ve no idea why I’ve held onto it so long. Regardless, I brought it into the local jeweler for appraisal. You can imagine my shock when he told me it wasn’t a real diamond, and the ring was worthless.

He was embarrassed for me. I laughed and explained, “Either my ex-husband was a bigger heel than I thought or the jeweler I used to reset the stone switched it years ago.” Both are plausible, but it doesn’t matter. The value of that ring, which to me was the commitment it came with, deflated long before the divorce was final. In the end, the ring proved just as worthless as my ex’s empty promises. Still, it left me feeling duped – again!

We’ve all broken promises at some point. Sometimes it’s a choice; sometimes it can’t be avoided. People change. Circumstances change. There is only one person we can trust not to break His vow to never leave us – Jesus. Throughout the gospels he refers to Himself as the bridegroom. As such, His commitment to each of us is one that only appreciates in value the more we access it. His promise of redemption is worth more than any diamond. You will never be duped by Christ. He is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). When we choose to say “I do” to Jesus, even though there will be infidelity on our part, He remains steadfast. As St. Paul reminds us, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demon, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).