A Divine Manicure


Have you ever gotten a sussie? For the uninitiated, a sussie is a surprise gift given for no real reason other than its relevance to the intended recipient. It’s a little awkward for me to receive one. Being more than a little cynical, my first thought is suspicion – that the giver is going to ask something of me because I didn’t do anything to deserve the gift. My reaction must be genetic because I presented my daughter with a mani-pedi gift certificate this week, and her first response was, “I can’t take this.” Bewildered, I asked why. She replied, “I don’t deserve it.” Even more confused, I asked, “Why the heck not? I love you and wanted to do something nice for you.” Her discomfort baffled me, but it’s a perfect illustration of how so many of us respond to God’s grace.

Ironically, it’s exactly because we are so undeserving that makes His grace so amazing. Yet we prefer to earn it and suffer from the delusion that we ever possibly could. In fact, it isn’t until we realize and accept how undeserving we are that we can fully appreciate His extravagant gift that cost way more than any mani-pedi.


I was in Bible study with a man years ago who commented how difficult it must be for some people to grasp God’s grace. He was referring to those in prison, addicts, alcoholics, etc. He believed the chasm between them and Christ was much greater than for someone like himself. I disagreed because it’s far easier for those who are acutely aware of their sinfulness to accept and appreciate Divine mercy than successful, independent, even Godly people who don’t necessarily see their need for a savior. Look at the prodigal son and his brother. It wasn’t the wayward son who missed the party. It was his loyal, obedient brother whose righteousness prevented him from joining in the celebration. And so it was with the Pharisees. Because of their religiosity, they missed their savior. Their worship practices became more important than the person they worshipped.


There is nothing more disappointing than when someone rejects a gift. Did my daughter eventually capitulate? Oh, yes. But until she redeems her certificate, its value can’t be enjoyed. She has a wedding next week and will most definitely have her nails looking freshly manicured. We, too, need to redeem God’s gift so we can start every day looking our best. A Divine manicure of sorts where God smooths out the chips and cracks, polishing over our imperfections with His extravagant love and forgiveness. While God’s mercies are new every morning, we have to choose to open ourselves up to their healing power. Why not choose to humbly accept His extraordinary gift of grace, confident in the truth that you can never lose something you didn’t earn in the first place.
