
by Joanie Butman


We’ve seen the results lack of preparation causes playing out across the globe during this crisis. Lots of finger-pointing going on, which helps no one. What it does highlight, however, is the importance of being equipped before a crisis hits – which, by the way, no one can accurately predict. That’s the nature of a crisis. What the world has learned recently is just how fragile life is, something those who have faced their own mortality and/or financial ruin have already been forced to confront. They know all too well that life can change on a dime. Can anything prepare you for such a blow?

There is only one antidote for the fear, confusion and uncertainty that kind of devastation evokes. God alone is my peace in times of chaos, my refuge in a storm. He is Xanax for my soul. Does having a close, personal relationship with the Divine prevent tragedy? Absolutely not. It does, however, prepare you for it by providing the strength and fortitude to withstand adversity, flexibility to bend without breaking, hope in the face of despair, comfort in the face of chaos, peace instead of panic and resilience to rise from the ashes.


As Christians, our situations often don’t have a happy ending as the world defines it, but as one of Billy Graham’s devotionals this week reminded, “All who belong to Christ are victorious.” Our triumph may not arrive on this side of the grave, but it will come. Of that I am certain – probably the only certainty one can cling to in this climate of fear and anxiety.


Ironically, though we are in isolation, we are probably more connected than ever before. Richard Rohr points out, “Globally, we’re in this together. Depth is being forced on us by great suffering, which as I like to say, always leads to great love.” How do you turn your fear and suffering into love and compassion for others? You choose to bring it to the Lord who will transform it and use it for His glory. Let His presence and peace be Purell for your mind, sanitizing your worries and replacing them with the soothing balm of His love.

It may be too late to prepare for the current crisis unfolding, but it’s never too late to prepare for eternity. Here’s an instance where we don’t want to flatten the curve except at its peak. God yearns for as many people as possible to enter His emergency room – and stay there. Plenty of room for all. Discard masks before entering.


No one will be spared the effects of this pandemic. Our only choice is how we weather the storm. Choosing to fill your time with God during quarantine will serve you better than listening to panicked newscasting. He alone knows what the future holds. I choose to put my trust in Him today and always.

In closing, I want to encourage you not to lose your sense of humor during quarantine. Laughter is a gift from God which can be an effective coping skill. On that note, I will share some common sense (the biggest scarcity at the moment) sent to me this week.