Follow the Leader

by Joanie Butman


This week in Bible Study our leader was obligated to renew emergency protocols. In addition to the Stop, Drop and Roll instructions we’ve been hearing since nursery school, there are now contingency plans in the event of a shooter. What a sad reflection as to the state of our society. She concluded the page-long set of instructions, which I would never remember in the heat of the moment, by explaining, “I just want you to be comforted to know there’s a plan in place for every possibility.”

Just as she finished up, a tardy member of our group arrived. The leader began to explain what we were discussing. Eager to get into the lesson, I preempted her by giving my version of what we just reviewed, “All you need to know is if there’s an emergency, follow her.” As far as I was concerned, we were just given one of the most important Bible lessons of the year and one so many people (myself included) have a hard time wrapping their head around – especially in a world where chaos seems to reign supreme.


Though circumstances often tempt us to believe otherwise, God does have a plan – for each of us and for the world as a whole. Scripture holds emergency instructions for any situation, though I often forget them in the heat of the moment as well. However, when in doubt (or especially in doubt), I can always remember this simple instruction, “Come, follow me.” I don’t necessarily need to know what to do, just WHO to follow because He will show me the way forward into the safety of His everlasting arms.

I pray that none of us will ever come face-to-face with an active shooter. However, there are plenty of other situations in this broken world that cause us to feel defenseless and under attack, where the heat of the fire seems to be lapping at our heels threatening to consume us. My antidote for those fearful, anxiety-producing occasions is Psalm 46:10, the Scriptural version of Stop, Drop and Roll: Be still, and know that I am God. Or, depending on the situation, perhaps Exodus 14:14, The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Unfortunately, as much as we may like to, there are circumstances in life where evacuation isn’t an option. It’s especially in those times when I choose to focus on Psalm 46:10 and Exodus 14:14, creating a safe haven in the midst of chaos. More important than memorizing contingency plans is choosing to make the effort to get to know the One who promises to be with me always and to show me the way when my vision is clouded by uncertainty. He is my contingency plan in every situation.

I would never follow someone I didn’t trust. The only way I know to build trust is to get to know that person. I’ve spent the past 25 years getting to know God (and unlearn things I was taught about Him) through Scripture and through the testimonies of others. His love, goodness and trustworthiness shine brightest through the lives of others.


Getting to know the Trinity is like peeling an onion. It’s a layered, life-long process where God reveals Himself more deeply the more time we spend together. After 20+ years of Bible study and Christian fellowship, what have I learned? That faith is about a relationship not a religion, that peace will be found in a Person not a pill, that when I choose to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, He will make my paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). Over the years He’s led me through fires, across dangerous terrain, over seemingly unsurmountable mountains, and out of the depths of despair. It wasn’t easy or pain free, but He was with me through it all. I wandered in the desert with no direction longer than the Jews, but when I finally surrendered to His guiding Spirit, He led me to the Promised Land. I’m not talking about my trip to Israel last year but my place by His side.


Over 100 times in the New Testament Jesus instructs, “Come, follow me.” It’s how he called his apostles – ordinary men, doing ordinary tasks, leading ordinary lives. What was it about Jesus that made them leave all they knew behind to blindly follow this stranger? He didn’t promise ease. In fact, quite the opposite. Yet, they followed anyway. They didn’t have Scripture or the testimony of others to vouch for Christ’s trustworthiness. Even so they took an enormous leap of faith to begin an extraordinary journey with Jesus as their guide. He asks the same of us. Will you choose to accept His invitation?

Choose wisely.