Blessed Assurance

Hurricane Ian is a just a memory for most of us, but for the residents of Florida it will be years (if ever) for restoration to be complete. Their losses are a vivid reminder of the fragility of life. Intellectually we know disaster can hit at any moment, but it’s still a shock when catastrophe strikes whether it’s hurricane related or any number of disasters that threaten our existence. Insurance companies appeal to our fears to market expensive policies.

Most of us carry insurance to help mitigate consequences, but there are plenty of things money can’t replace. And even if your property is insured, it’s a lo-o-o-ong, arduous process to collect and rebuild – especially when labor and supplies are in short supply. We don’t carry flood insurance on our house in Florida because it’s prohibitively expensive with an enormous deductible. Basically, it costs more than the house is worth. Luckily our house survived, but there are plenty of victims of Ian that have no recourse other than the kindness of strangers and FEMA, but even those have their limits.

Gambling on living near the water in Florida without flood insurance can be costly but nowhere near the cost of living in this world without the benefit of spiritual insurance or blessed assurance as the hymn goes. Where you will reside in eternity is not something to gamble with. Thankfully, we don’t have to because our premiums have been paid in full. Our position in Heaven has already been secured and insured through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Even better is the fact that we get to begin our eternal life with Christ here and now.

My relationship with Jesus is the only thing I will be taking when I leave this world. My confidence in that truth is based on St. Paul’s words in Romans 8:38, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). It’s His presence in my life that allows me to endure all kinds of storms and damages – physically, mentally and spiritually.

Finally, the insurance we carry for tangible items may never be needed. However, we will all face God one day. That’s a certainty, yet so many fail to consider the consequences of not choosing to invite Jesus into their lives. He is the only person capable of mitigating the consequences of our sin. There are no limits on His coverage either. Christ can restore anything we offer Him so don’t hold back. Nothing is beyond His redemptive power.

Choosing blessed assurance is always a wise choice.