Be A Light

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Last week my husband received a sweet gift of encouragement. I, on the other hand, was convicted by that very same gift. We were having dinner when the doorbell rang – an unusual occurrence as no one ever just ‘stops’ by. I opened the door to an unfamiliar couple. I suspected they were looking for my neighbors and asked if they were lost. “Oh no,” they replied. “We just wanted to stop and thank you for putting on your Christmas light display every year.” I called to my husband, the creator of the annual light extravaganza, and they were effusive in their praise and gratitude. They shared how the lights filled them with joy every time they passed. They refused our invitation to come in and insisted they just wanted to express their thanks and left. We don’t know their names, probably will never see them again, but their decision to take a moment to thank Bob will remain with us forever.


So why would I be convicted by such a gesture? Because a couple of weeks earlier I was chiding my husband for his Herculean decorating efforts while he was stressing about getting them done. We’re getting older and the trees are getting bigger so the job has grown exponentially over the years. Seeing his distress, I asked, “Why do you feel obligated to decorate? No one will care if you don’t do it this year.” Apparently, I was wrong because that couple explained how concerned they were because the lights were late coming on. Even if I wasn’t wrong, I should never have discouraged Bob’s efforts. We’ve all got a light to shine. Who am I to disparage his?

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I’ve often teasingly asked Bob whether he’s trying to guide the Wise Men to New Canaan. His motives are nothing nearly as grandiose but isn’t bringing others a moment of joy enough? Seeing those lights may not change anyone’s life forever as following the star did for the Magi, but I think the best we can hope for in this life is to affect someone’s life for a moment. It’s a dark world out there. Who couldn’t benefit from a little light?

This unexpected visit was not the first time we’ve received compliments for Bob’s lights. Over the years we’ve received notes from strangers and a number of people have commented, “Whenever I drive by your house, it makes me happy.” What a great reminder that we all have the capacity to bring light into someone’s life, regardless of whether we know them or not. In fact, many times you may never even realize it, as in my husband’s case. In every interaction we have with others we have the opportunity to either be a source of light or not. The choice is ours.

As Christians, we are God’s light display for the rest of the world. He plants a spark of the Divine in each of us. The more we fan that spark, the brighter His light shines. Then, as we allow His light to shine through us, those around us are encouraged to shine that much brighter themselves. God yearns to hear a similar compliment, “Whenever I see you, it makes me feel happy.”


God reveals Himself to others through us. Our testimonies are the Lite-Brite from which His portrait will be illuminated. When I choose to share accounts of how God works in my life, it isn’t for the purpose of converting anyone. It’s simply to reveal a facet of the Divine others may not have had the opportunity to see before. My own light display of sorts.

Just as Bob’s light display evolves each year, I am a constant work in progress. The only way I know of to keep my light glowing brightly is to plug into its source, allowing God to refill and reenergize that Divine spark in me. How can I expect to be a light to others if I allow my own to die out? My relationship with God determines the quality of light I bring into my family and my community. Choosing to nurture that relationship is always the wise choice.

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