An Interesting Case

by Joanie Butman


Over the past few months I’ve watched a friend of mine battle through the tangled morass that is our medical system - lots of waiting, lost records, indifferent medical staff, last minute rescheduling, overnight stays in questionable areas, authorization issues, failed procedures, ‘cures’ that made things much worse, being drugged for a test that never happened, conflicting diagnoses – the list goes on and on. She describes the experience as a roller coaster ride and left the last appointment shell-shocked. I’d say it was a comedy of errors, but there is nothing funny about trying to find the right doctor and treatment when you or a loved one are suffering. And take it from someone who has also been on the receiving end, no one wants to see their doctor scratch his head and describe you as a “most interesting case.”


My friend’s travails would be an excellent case for Dr. House, who specializes in “interesting” cases. If you are not familiar with the name, House, M.D. was a popular medical drama starring Hugh Laurie as prickly genius Dr. Gregory House who tackles health mysteries like a medical Sherlock Holmes.* As opposed to real-life dramas, Dr. House wraps up even the most baffling cases in sixty minutes. Oh, if life could be so neat and tidy. Unfortunately, as advanced as our medical knowledge is, there’s still a lot of mystery in regard to the human body and the myriad diseases that can inflict it.


While we don’t have access to genius diagnosticians like Dr. House, we do have an expert spiritual diagnostician who has never met an interesting case He couldn’t handle. He specializes in challenging circumstances when all hope is lost. Our issues will never be resolved in a 60-minute consult, but the Great Physician offers a life-long commitment to our on-going spiritual health and well-being. Often the treatment will be painful and involve sacrifice, but the choice is always ours whether or not to do what is necessary for healing – usually surrender. Other times we just need to choose to be still and trust that He has us covered, which is even harder for most people.

I know my friend isn’t the only one with an interesting case. We’re all seeking healing for something – physical, emotional or spiritual issues plague everyone. They are merely symptoms of life, which is a roller coaster ride often leaving us shell shocked. Even under the best care, at some point, we will all face an issue where we have no option left than to release it into God’s care.


Sometimes healing comes through doctors, therapists or counselors. God’s given those people gifts to be used for healing. Just because a miracle comes through medical intervention doesn’t make it any less of a miracle. It would be foolish not to seek the help of a professional when you’re ill. The same can be said in regard to spiritual health. The Great Physician is waiting to heal whatever ails you. Keep in mind that healing may not be what you imagined, but it will come. Too many of us spend years of unnecessary pain and suffering simply because we are too stubborn to seek the help we desperately need. It’s never too late for a consult with the only One who feels your suffering, understands your situation, and can offer a solution. Why not choose to schedule an appointment with God today?

One last note, when I sat down to write this week I thought it would be appropriate to write about love given that Valentine’s Day is Friday. Then I thought again. Isn’t that what I do every week – write about God’s love? In fact, the original valentines were notes of spiritual encouragement sent by St. Valentine from prison. I’m no saint, but you don’t have to be to encourage others spiritually. I’m not smart enough to be a doctor, but I can point others to The Great Physician. That’s the gift He’s given me, and I use it gladly to remind you that nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:39b).

