With summer upon us, an impending wedding and an ailing parent, I’m on overload. For those of a certain age, I just hit TILT on the pinball game of life. For the uninitiated, in pinball there’s a tilt mechanism which detects when the machine is being lifted, tilted or shaken beyond an acceptable level. When the mechanism is triggered, the machine ‘tilts’, ending play. The game is automatically over. More modern games provide a number of warnings before tilting. If there is such a thing…..
Water Into Wine
My daughter is getting married in August. Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding at Cana has taken on new meaning. After months of planning in excruciating detail, I can imagine the horror of running out of wine at the reception. Considering the cost of things these days, changing water into wine would go a long way in subsidizing this wedding! I can see why…..
Pentecost Sunday
Me Go Too?!
When my children were small, they didn’t like when I left home without them. Inevitably, when I told them my plans, their first reaction would be, “Me go too?” My negative response was always met with woe. As I left, I could hear them calling tearfully, “Me go too! Me go too!” as the babysitter held them to the window to say goodbye. Though I’d assure them I’d be back…..
Snowbirds are preparing to return north this month. As things start winding down in Florida, everyone is trying to pawn off the contents of their refrigerators. They have a name for the remnants in the fridge: mustgoes. That moniker covers everything in the kitchen that has to be discarded before leaving. It makes for some interesting meals as people get creative…..
Now What?
Little time is spent on Barabbas* as we celebrate Easter. Without doubt, the focus is and should be on Jesus. However, it’s glaringly obvious that there would be no story without “Barabbas”– because he is us. Condemned with no hope of reprieve, unexpectedly and undeservedly set free because Christ willingly took our place on the cross. There’s no mention of Barabbas after he’s set free, but there’s an…..
Christ's Passion
The glory of Easter Sunday doesn’t need to be ushered in with words. Christ’s actions speak for themselves. They are the purest, most powerful expression of sacrificial love the world has ever seen. People don’t just need to be reminded of it. More importantly, we need to experience it – every day of our lives lest we forget or discount the cost paid for our ransom. There is a quote in Shakespeare’s…..
Helping Hooves
Today marks the dawning of Holy Week, the start of Christ’s Passion, beginning with His glorious procession into Jerusalem. Personally, it’s also an acknowledgment of His triumphant entry into my heart. The thing about the Easter story is that until we make it personal, it remains just that – a story. It only becomes meaningful when we enter into it. So, who am I in the story? A woman singing praises…..
Muscle Memory
After a bout of COVID and a couple of weeks in Florida, I returned to the Peloton this week. It’s amazing how quickly you lose whatever state of fitness you’ve managed to attain. My muscles were mush as I struggled to keep up with the instructor. I’ve never been a ‘leader’ in any cycling class. I used to be happy to finish in the top half – bottom top half. After last year’s surgery, however, I’ve never gotten back whatever oomph I once had. Finishing is my only goal. Doesn’t have to be pretty…..
Snow Day
This week finally produced a decent snowfall. There’s nothing like a snow day – a glorious gift of free time most of us crave but never allow ourselves. It’s a mystery why we don’t choose to incorporate the relaxed pace of a snow day into our lives regardless of where we live. I view snow days as God’s reminder to stop and notice Him. How could you not amidst…..
Giving It Up
This week we will celebrate Valentine’s Day and the start of Lent – a cruel coincidence for those giving up chocolate. Surely there must be papal dispensation for such an event. Regardless, I’ve always felt Valentine’s Day is a bit forced. I’d rather receive an unexpected love note on a random day for the purest of reasons, not because it was ‘Hallmarked’ as the day to do so. When I was young…..
Shining Star
As is often the case, this week’s topic came to me on the Peloton bike. Yesterday I chose an Earth, Wind and Fire class and was surprised how many great songs they had. Having never been a true fan, I didn’t realize they racked up nearly a dozen gold and platinum albums, not to mention their numerous Top 10 singles. Their most successful was…..
What Kind of Light Do You Shine?
I brought my daughter and her fiancée to witness the annual light extravaganza in my old Brooklyn neighborhood this year. It never fails to delight. The wise men would have had no problem following the light projected from Dyker Heights during the Christmas season. Who knows? If they had that beacon guiding them, they may have arrived sooner. Last week’s…..
Be a Light
Over the holidays I read David Brooks’ new book, How to Know A Person. It should be required reading – especially during an election year. In a world where people are more connected than ever via the internet, they are also more disconnected than ever with those around them. Brooks surmises that this lack of personal connection is a large contributor to many of the social ills plaguing us. We are experiencing a deadlier epidemic than Covid. It is one….
Word of the Year
Oxford’s 2023 Word of the Year was announced this week. Rizz beat out some strong contenders, with situationship among the top nominees. Rizz is simply a shortened form of charisma. I researched the etymology of charisma and, to my surprise, learned it was considered a spiritual gift. It is derived from the Greek word charis (grace), and is first seen in the letters of St. Paul. He defines…..
Brown Friday
My daughter introduced me to a new term last week by sharing an interesting trivia fact: The busiest industry on Black Friday is not retail as most would presume, it’s actually plumbing. The phenomenon is known as Brown Friday. When she mentioned it, my mind immediately flashed back to the plethora of Thanksgiving plumbing issues…..
The Not-So-Secret Ingredient
A friend forwarded me Perdue’s full-page ad in last week’s Wall Street Journal for obvious reasons. The Choose Wisely slogan has become prevalent across the board these days promoting all kinds of products. Aside from the shared sentiment, I am also a Perdue devotee, though my friend wouldn’t know that. Let me explain….
Dynamic Duo
A Life Well Lived
read the book, Life Worth Living, this summer written by three Yale professors who teach a popular seminar by the same name. According to the cover, it’s “a guide to what matters most.” The book poses the question “what makes a good life?” along with other probing queries to assist you in determining your answer. The authors include input from pundits of all religions…..