COVID Hunger Games

by Joanie Butman


Scarcity definitely brings out the worst in some people. That truth became abundantly clear over the past year as people hoarded paper products with a zeal that would make Scrooge look generous. Now that the vaccine is available, there is a frenzy going on that rivals the run on banks during the depression. In Florida, it’s a Hunger Games mentality as seniors vie for coveted vaccination appointments. Just last night the lead story from Florida was about two twenty-year-old girls who disguised themselves as grannies to get vaccinated. They actually received a first shot but got caught when they arrived for their second. How low can you go?

Florida is a funny place. Last year when the pandemic started, early shopping times were created for seniors only. Seriously? Of course, those were the busiest times to grocery shop because almost EVERYONE in Florida is a senior and desperate for toilet paper. I’ve yet to figure out what they do with it, but they would line up at Publix to ensure they weren’t shut out.


There is only one thing I know of where scarcity will never be an issue, and that is God’s abundant provision. His love and mercy are new every morning with no age requirement. There’s plenty for everyone. No appointment necessary. However, we do need to open our hearts to make room for Him, then extend an invitation because God is a gentlemen. He won’t go anywhere He isn’t invited.

There isn’t enough toilet paper in the world to clean up humanity’s mess. That’s why Jesus came – to wipe away our sin. Plus, there’s no disguises with God though many try in vain to make themselves look better than they are. 1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us that man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. Those girls in Florida would have been called out immediately.


There’s no doubt that the COVID vaccination is a life-saver so I can understand people’s eagerness to get it. It protects us from the deadly virus and liberates us to socialize safely. God offers a different kind of life-saving vaccine for your soul with 100% efficacy. It, too, is liberating from the prison of our own sinful nature. It would behoove us to be just as eager to choose to receive His love and forgiveness on a daily basis to guard our hearts as much as we want to protect our bodies. Side effects include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

It may feel like a Hunger Games scenario out there if you are trying to schedule a vaccination. Survival of the fittest (or the most persevering) may characterize the vaccination process, but in God’s upside-down kingdom it’s just the opposite where “The last shall be first and the first last.” The quickest way to salvation is not being the most spiritually fit but by choosing to acknowledge just how ‘unfit’ we are. Will you choose to do so?