Let Your Sparkle Shine

by Joanie Butman


While organizing my drawers this week I discovered the Jerusalem cross I purchased in Israel last year. I don’t know why I’ve never worn it, but it was like being given an unexpected gift. I fastened it around my neck and was awed by its sparkle. It brought to mind a card I received this summer from my niece. It read, “Never lose your sparkle!” I don’t know anyone who doesn’t feel at least a little off six months into this pandemic. I hadn’t been able to put my finger on it until I read that card. Hallmark unknowingly offered the diagnosis for my condition. I’d lost my sparkle – or it died down to an ember.

Losing your sparkle isn’t life threatening – at least not in the literal sense. However, that lack of spark can leave you feeling like you are sleepwalking through life, going through the motions without much enthusiasm. Aside from the pandemic, the climate of negativity in this country is hard to ignore and threatens to dull even the brightest soul. While that may be true, you alone get to choose whether or not to allow external forces to tarnish the joy that is yours through Jesus Christ.

Lack of in-person worship and Bible study has contributed to my malady. Zoom is better than nothing, and I’m grateful the internet allows us to stay connected in some sense. Nevertheless, there is something impersonal about electronic meetings that prevents the level of authenticity in-person connections promote. No one is baring their soul on the internet. Still, the Bible is the only remedy to restore the twinkle Christ’s presence ignites, and it’s fun exploring it with others.


Our first lesson in John focused on light and life – a prescription from my Divine physician. Jesus states in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I guess I’m not the first patient He’s seen who’s lost her twinkle. When I started Bible study, my newfound knowledge filled me with awe and joy. So much so I was probably really irritating to those around me. Think of a puppy – exuberant and unable to contain its excitement, jumping all over anyone who greets him. They actually have puppy kindergarten to train them in socially acceptable behavior. I probably should have attended something similar for new Christians. However, while toning down a puppy’s enthusiasm is a good idea, the last thing Christ wants is for us to tone down our enthusiasm for Him. The gospel is good news – of course we’d want to share it. My goal for this year’s study is to recapture that initial awe and joy so I can live the abundant life. We have to polish precious metals and even diamonds to clean away accumulated gunk that comes from daily living. More importantly, gunk collects even faster on our soul which calls for daily, if not hourly, polishing. That spark of the Divine that lives in all of us is our most prized possession. It would behoove us to treat it as such.

I received many compliments on my necklace’s glimmer. Truth be told, I do not need to wear a cross to have Christ’s presence shine through me. Any sparkle people perceive in me comes from the presence of Jesus in my soul, not around my neck. That kind of sparkle no one can dull – except me when I don’t choose to do the required maintenance to keep it shining brightly. How do you choose to maintain your sparkle?
