How Can This Be?

by Joanie Butman


The angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary announcing God’s plan for her is such an integral part of the Christmas narrative. Upon learning that she is to give birth to God’s Son, Mary responds with confusion, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34) Clearly the mechanics intrigued Mary. She may have only been around 13, but she knew how babies were born. However, I’m sure on another level she must have been thinking, “How can this be that God would choose me?” As Michael Crawford sings in A Strange Way to Save the World, “Why me? I’m just an ordinary girl.”


The reason their dialogue comes to mind during Advent is because her “yes” is the beginning of the Christmas story and God’s salvation plan. I can relate to Mary’s question, “How can this be?” It’s the same thought I have any time I reflect on how much God loves me despite my failings. He loved me enough to sacrifice His own Son on my behalf. How can that truth not invoke a humble and amazed “how can this be?”

Mary’s unshakable faith astounds me, especially in one so young. I’m definitely no Mary and would never qualify to usher Christ into the world, but therein lies the miracle. I am anything but pure or faithful, which is why His unconditional love is so awe inspiring. Despite our impurities and brokenness, God chooses us to bring Christ into this world again and again. Not in the physical sense, thank goodness, because that ship sailed years ago. HA! (I’m sure that’s what Sarah thought too, when learning that she and Abraham were to have a child in their 90’s!) No, God is asking us to say “YES!” to our own Bethlehem moments when He provides the opportunity to bring Christ into the lives of others.


I imagine Mary’s response of “How can this be?” remained with her long after the angel departed and surfaced often as God’s plan unfolded. In fact, twice in scripture the Bible tells us that “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” I’m certain as she knelt at the foot of the cross, she must have questioned God’s plan – as we all do from time to time, especially when faced with unbearable suffering.

Advent is an excellent time to ponder, as Mary did, how the Lord is asking you to bring His light, peace and presence into a hurting world. He has a different assignment and ministry field for each of us, but the choice is ours whether or not to follow Mary’s brave example of saying “YES!” to God – again and again. By doing so, we keep Christmas alive throughout the year.

Choose wisely!