Cheugy Mom

by Joanie Butman


Growing up with a nickname like ‘Gastank’ (thanks to my older brothers), you’d think I’d be accustomed to teasing of all kinds. Gastank was the kindest of the litany of names they invented for me. ‘Load’ was another favorite. Eventually, they outgrew the fat-shaming, name-calling phase. Now, it’s my children who tease me, but with an entirely new vocabulary. Half the time I don’t even know they’re poking fun at me. More often than not, I have to look up pejorative terms to determine exactly what I’m guilty of. ‘Cheugy’ is the most recent.

My daughter is moving into a new apartment, and I was showing her some options for furniture when she accused me of being cheugy. What the heck? The fact that I had to look up the definition further proved just how cheugy I am. The term is the next generation’s version of cool vs. uncool. Urban Dictionary defines it as a slang adjective mocking someone or something as “uncool” – they are out of touch with current trends or trying too hard to be trendy. Another website offered a list of things that are considered cheugy that basically describes my life. I’m not surprised. I’ve always been out of step with pop culture and fashion trends. It took me years to switch to skinny jeans only to discover they’re no longer in style. Story of my life. Always a day late and a dollar short.


Here’s the thing about pop culture and fashion trends – they are constantly in flux. What’s cool one day is out the next. It would be exhausting (and expensive) trying to keep up. That’s what I like about Christ. He is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). As the song says,

On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand


Christianity’s beliefs and values don’t change with the times, which is exactly why they can be trusted. Here’s the thing about truth: it doesn’t change. If something is true today, it will still be true 100 years from now. 

Even though I just learned the definition of cheugy, I’ve been embracing my uncoolness forever. I live for an audience of One. Christ doesn’t care about pop culture or fashion trends. He created us all to be unique. In my mind, there is nothing cheugy about honoring that individuality. Furthermore, just because something is in fashion, doesn’t mean that it will look good on you. However, choosing to clothe yourself in Christ’s love, mercy and kindness never goes out of style and is guaranteed to look good on anyone.

There are plenty who probably consider Bible study cheugy:  old-fashioned and out-of-touch. However, there’s good reason Hebrews 4:12 claims that the word of God is alive and active. Studying scripture never gets old or outdated because it is God’s love letter to us – just as relevant today as it was centuries ago.  


Why not choose to familiarize yourself with Christ’s names for you rather than those whose opinions vacillate day to day. Names like chosen, beloved, bride, blessed, child of God, friend, heir. He also refers to us as sheep, but I’m not sure I’d put that one at the top of the list as sheep are incredibly stupid. Yes, the truth hurts sometimes.

Choose to live each day confident in your identity in Christ, letting His opinion be your driving force.