In response to the numerous horrified emails expressing sympathy and legal advice after last week’s post, “Those were not my real brows in the photo!”While the first couple of weeks did loosely resemble that picture, I’m happy to report that the final result was all I hoped it would be. Not that anyone else would notice, but it’s still a shock when I look in the mirror because I haven’t quite adjusted to my brow-enhanced reflection. Whatever personal changes we choose to make, regardless of how small…..
No Sharps!
This summer I broke my own beauty mandate, “No Sharps!”The premise of that decree is that I would take advantage of any beauty/age defying enhancements as long as they didn’t involve sharp objects. I’ll leave any carving of my body to the surgeon whose kept me alive thus far. I used to think that the extensions he provided…..
Ride the Wave
Semper Fi
Last week I neglected to mention an integral component of any battle – a strong platoon to support you. It doesn’t have to be large, just enough hands and hearts to:
Drag you out of the fray when you’re wounded.
Nurse your injuries with empathy and compassion.
Send you back out when you’re ready.
Battle for you when you’re too weak.
Correct your path and strategy when you’ve lost your bearings.
Hold you accountable when your actions belie your beliefs…..
This week an enemy army attempted to invade the happy place I recently wrote about. I felt like I landed on Normandy Beach, only the bullets aimed at me were emotionally-laden words. They were familiar opponents I’ve battled before and came from a place of self-pity, bitterness, anger, resentment and discontent. These formidable foes require a strong defense. Often ,they attack from within, but this wasn’t one of those times. Even so, the lessons…..
My Happy Place
Everyone has a place (or state of mind) where they feel closest to God - a place of peace and contentment. Some arrive there through prayer and meditation, others employ more tangible modes of transportation. In the summer I drive - certainly a more direct route than my feeble efforts at prayer and meditation recently. That's not to say that the four-hour…..
Older and Wiser
Thursday night I had the privilege of attending a Taylor Swift concert and was treated to VIP privileges by my host. As I will probably not have the pleasure of enjoying VIP status again until I reach Heaven where we will all be given the royal treatment, I reveled in the proximity to the stage (as well as the free food and drinks.) Witnessing Ms. Swift perform up close, her joy in her craft oozed out of every pore and saturated everyone around her. Yes, joy is contagious. It was obvious that…..
The day I met my new friend, Max, was a banner day because just a few hours later I had another God incident. As a reminder, Max is the Good Samaritan I wrote about recently who helped me move a load of heavy items into my son’s apartment. Later that afternoon I was waiting for a mattress delivery. Surprisingly, the delivery truck arrived right on time - BUT without the bedframe. Unable to return the same day with the required item, I….
Like New
Not that this is newsworthy, but the makeshift ‘Band-Aids’ on my car have been replaced with a shiny new front end – just like new. One weekend and $1500 later, you’d never know I was in a fender bender. It’s such a great example of how my husband and I approach car maintenance. I would have driven the car as it was, held together by string and bungees, for the rest of the summer without issue or at least until I…..
God Incidents
One of the biggest problems in this digital age is that people are so riveted to their devices that they miss the thrill of what Ken Nerburn refers to as a ‘blue moment’ in his book, Simple Graces, The Quiet Gifts of Everyday Life. I’ve had these experiences all my life but never knew there was a name for them. I always considered them ‘God incidents’ and still do. They are the occasions that you share….
No Strings Attached
I learned a valuable lesson last week: Don’t play chicken with a New York cab driver!I was parked in NYC and trying to edge my way into traffic for quite some time. Impatient, I determined I needed to get more aggressive. As the light ahead turned red, I attempted to insert myself between a large truck and a yellow cab thinking, “He’s got nowhere to go. Why wouldn’t he let me in.”We locked eyes as I inched the car forward. The thing is I was so busy challenging him I missed the truck’s…..
Disconnect to Connect
Last year I wrote about a visit to my little friend, Grace’s, preschool class to do crafts. As it was the Friday before Mother's Day, I decided to have them make beaded bracelets for their moms. I opened with the question, “Does anyone know what’s special about Sunday?” With enthusiasm rarely seen in a boy confined to a desk being asked to do a craft, Henry leaped out of his seat while pumping his hand in the air wildly. “It’s the day Dad doesn’t have to go to work, and I get to spend the day with him.” While not the response I was seeking…..
All Is Not What It Seems
It would have been hard to miss the tragic news of Kate Spade’s suicide this week followed shortly by Anthony Bourdain. Their premature deaths are another reminder that you never know what’s going on in someone else’s life. An icon of fashion and a nomadic bon vivant, they appeared to have it all – family, success, beauty and brains. What ….
Superhero Season
Summer is the season of the superhero when new action movies debut. Who doesn’t love a good story where the underdog is attacked, persecuted, in threat of annihilation and the superhero shows up to fight on their behalf? Typically, an impressive battle wages with incredible feats of strength and justice prevails. It’s been a best-selling formula for time immemorial. Not so with Avengers…..
The Light Endures
When I joined Community Bible Study 22 years ago, I had no idea I was about to experience a seismic shift in my spiritual life. Welcomed and embraced by a platoon of slightly older, infinitely wiser women, I was ushered into a deep, personal relationship with Christ. I use the word platoon because…..
Boss Lady
Remember the seed packets I received a couple of weeks ago on Grandparents’ Day? The photo on front illustrates what those seeds will produce if you follow the planting instructions on the back. Dirt, water and light – sounds simple enough. And there’s no surprises. If you plant zinnia seeds, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Oh, if parenting could be that simple. We plant seeds and spend years nurturing them, but it’s anyone’s guess as to what the end result will be. You can think you’re planting a tomato…..
Life's Not Fair!
This week I had the privilege of attending Grandparents/Grandfriend Day at the school of my little buddies, Grace and Sam. As a parting gift, we were given seed packets as a reminder of our role in the lives of these youngsters. Planting seeds is not a responsibility to be taken lightly, nor is it confined to the children in our lives. As ambassadors for Christ, we plant seeds….
Gateway to Paradise
Recently my brother was expecting one of those frustrating deliveries where the arrival window spanned the entire day. He asked if I could cover him for an hour or so while he left for another appointment. He handed me the keys, and I felt like I was holding the keys to the kingdom. You have to understand--getting into his condo complex is harder than entering paradise,though admittedly his place is probably as close to paradise...
Untie the Donkey
When I wrote about being a donkey a few weeks ago, I neglected two important details. When Jesus sent the apostles to fetch the donkey for His use, the first thing they had to do was untie it. That message was the gist of the healing conference I attended this weekend. We, too, have to be released from the ties that bind before we can be employed in the service of Christ. And it is usually other Godly people who help us. There are many people in my life....
Potty Talk
As I entered the hardware store last Monday, I passed a rather crude but accurate Easter reminder. I doubt it was intentional, but God can use anything to get His message of redemption across – even potty humor. My kids say I see God in everything, but even they might wonder how I could make a trip to the local hardware store a spiritual experience. Maybe it’s a stretch, but I immediately saw the correlation. Christ willingly enters into the cesspool of our lives and brings something beautiful out of it. He uses the manure of our troubles as rich....